
Praça Nova York


Sion, Belo Horizonte 

R. Patagônia - Sion, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Photo Festival in Tiradentes, MG, Brazil

This year 2017, will be the eighth Tiradentes Photo Festival. It happens in the first half of the year, between carnival and  Holy Week. The festival features big names in photography from Brazil and from around the world. There will be exhibitions, workshops,...

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What’s the best gear for shooting live video?

What’s the best gear for shooting live video? Scoping, from the word periscope, which is the name of the live broadcasting app, is very popular at the moment and will probably get even more popular in the future as live video gets more popular. I have been meaning to...

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5 Good Reasons to Shoot in Brazil (and Belo Horizonte)

Rua Patagônia  Sion, Belo Horizonte  R. Patagônia - Sion, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil Minas Gerais, Brazil 5 Good Reasons to Shoot in Brazil (and in Belo Horizonte in particular).   When foreigners think of Brazil they immediately think of two or possibly three...

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The Business of Photography

Rua Patagônia  Sion, Belo Horizonte  R. Patagônia - Sion, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil Minas Gerais, Brazil I have been working as a photographer in the photography business for more years than I care to remember. To give you some idea I first camera was a Nikon F2...

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Why is nudity more acceptable in Brazil?

Rua Patagônia  Sion, Belo Horizonte  R. Patagônia - Sion, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil Minas Gerais, Brazil Why is nudity more acceptable in some cultures than in others?   Working with so many different models from so many different countries over the years I can’t...

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Fashion Editorials – Why They Don’t Work Anymore

Rua Patagônia  Sion, Belo Horizonte  R. Patagônia - Sion, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil Minas Gerais, Brazil   Why fashion editorials are no longer important. Let's get something straight fashion editorials are more than just pretty pictures in Vogue or Elle or your...

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